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Supporting Outreach Programs With Aged Care Maldives

October 2022 to Ongoing

Aged Care Maldives is a non-profit and non-government organization that prioritizes the rights and dignity of elderly individuals. They strive to enhance the lives of seniors and their families through programs and services that address both physical and emotional challenges associated with aging.

In October 2022, the Atmosphere Foundation joined forces with Aged Care Maldives to provide support for four outreach programs that will take place over a period of two years. The programs will be executed by a diverse team and will focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle, encouraging regular exercise, and facilitating early detection of common health issues faced by seniors, such as diabetes, hypertension, vision loss, mobility problems, depression, and dementia.

Furthermore, the program aims to empower communities to make healthy choices and be more active. It also provides information on caring for homebound and bedridden elderly individuals and raise awareness of elderly-related issues among community councils and island residents.

  • October 2022

    Atmosphere Foundation along with Aged Care Maldives, commits to provide support for four outreach programs.

  • December 2022

    The first outreach program to Ha. Uligam is completed with an overwhelming response from the island community.

    • Caregiver Workshop – 34 persons participated.
    • Home Visit – 26 homes were visited.
    • Following consultations were provided:
      • Internal Medicine: 102
      • Gynaecology: 51